Regroup, Revisit, Revive: Refreshing Skills for Resilience and Positive Psychological Health in the Workplace

Regroup, Revisit, Revive

Refreshing Skills for Resilience and Positive Psychological Health in the Workplace


Now may be a time that you are preparing for a transition back to the workplace for your teams, either full time or flexibly. As well as the emotional and logistical challenges that your teams might be facing, new ways of working and changes in processes might bring role-specific challenges to the forefront.

Whereas in the past, meetings, day-to-day duties and processes may have included face-to-face discussions and routines, remote working has meant that often this in-person part of the process has found itself to be surplus to requirements. While this has often streamlined the way we operate, it can also leave members of the team feeling like their role is undervalued or that it might even be under threat.

Equally, remote working or changes in processes may have been rolled out quickly due to necessity and a return to the workplace or previous structures may identify some areas where the process has fallen down and standards decreased. Returning to the workplace, even flexibly, might highlight to employees areas where they feel deskilled, causing further anxiety and worries.

Rebuilding a sense of engagement, ambition and connection in your organisation may need to be an immediate focus as we move through the transition of returning to work in whatever new or traditional form that might take. As well as building in the opportunity to regroup and revisit goals and values of your organisation, giving members of your team the tools to thrive and be resilient is paramount. A time of transition can be a trigger for emerging mental health concerns, as well as exasperating existing conditions

For current Mental Health First Aiders or Line Managers, the additional pressures of supporting employees through mental ill health can be a very real worry and they too may feel deskilled in their ability to recognise and support mental health conditions and issues in the workplace.

Now is an excellent time to refresh the skills and knowledge of your leaders and Mental Health First Aiders to ensure they feel confident and efficient in their roles to support their colleagues with any of these concerns.



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