Why Fundraising and Volunteering Can Play a Role in Positive Mental Health

A fantastic way to enhance your happiness is to volunteer, fundraise or be kind to others

Studies show that people who volunteer and help others have fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety. This could be through small unplanned acts, such as a smile, thoughtful gesture or regular volunteering. Scientifically, there is a proven link between happiness and helping others. Neuro-activity in the brain shows that giving rather than receiving creates a greater sense of happiness and fulfilment.


What are the benefits of volunteering for your mental health?

As well as the external benefits, such as making a difference to the life of others, other benefits include:

  • keeping things in perspective
  • making you feel part of a community or team effort
  • helping others to feel good – which in turn, makes us feel good too!
  • Reducing stress
  • Improving self-esteem


What are Resilient People doing?

Our chosen charity is the Prince of Wales Hospice in Pontefract and we are doing lots of things this year to support this fantastic organisation with their support of people with life-limiting conditions and their families in the Five Towns region.

Our Resilient People team have already organised a Coffee Morning on behalf of the Prince of Wales Hospice, raising £1,137, which equates to 64 hours of nursing care.

In addition, some of our team will be taking on the Yorkshire Three Peaks in September and we will also be doing the Starlight Walk.

We have also recruited the whole family to join in our ’30 Miles for 30 Years‘ Challenge: #WalkingTrailsForThePrinceOfWales.

We have also been collecting bags of clothes and bric-a-brac to be donated to the local charity shops. The challenge set by the hospice was to donate 30 bags for 30 years to be collected on 30th July. We have smashed this total, with 50 bags being collected and a total of £1000 in bag donations alone!

Raising money for the Prince of Wales is something that is close to our hearts for many reasons, many personal, and being able to make a difference to others has been wonderful. Our goal was to raise £1,000. We have already met this goal, but we are determined to carry on raising as much money as we can for the hospice over this very important year.

You can keep up-to-date with our fundraising, events and achievements by following us on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Resilient-People-Ltd-235630169822076/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/resilient-people-limited

Twitter: @GetResilientUK

If you want to support our efforts, please take a look at our fundraising page – any support is greatly received: https://www.pwh.org.uk/support-us/waystogive/fundraising/view-fundraising-pages/resilient-people?fbclid=IwAR3FU_inHmuLH_9fmcoRQ3ZApbkhwhHBa7jBAoebEOfLACDJ4dg70mzZ60c

Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far by attending our events, donating items and sponsoring our team!

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Running and Me

It’s nearly the end of May, which means my 10k a day challenge is nearly over!! There have been times when I wasn’t sure I’d make it this far but now it’s nearly over I feel brilliant for sticking with it. I’ve been asked quite a few times why I was doing the challenge so I thought I would briefly share my reason. It may even inspire some of you who been through your own ‘bad time.’

When I lost my dad just over two years ago my life changed forever. I felt a pain that was beyond anything I’d felt before, and my life became a real struggle. Of course, running an employee wellbeing company I was well positioned to understand how I could help myself to bring about some positive change. There are certainly no silver bullets and we all cope differently. I decided I wanted to try the exercise route to improve my mental health. And so, I bought some cheap trainers and ran about a half-mile before nearly collapsing. I’d never done any distance running before so this seemed a really long way, and so did every day for the following few weeks, but slowly my distance increased and roughly twelve months later I ran my first marathon.

I felt strongly that I needed to spend more time with my thoughts, even the really dark and sad ones. I knew supressing them wouldn’t help me in the long-term and running provided me with that head space. I had seen how destructive grief can be and I decided I didn’t want my dad’s death to be something that defined me. I wanted to live on in the memory of his life. And so, every time I run he is there with me, in my thoughts and my heart. It’s where I savour the memories, and it’s become such a special time for me.

I’ve realised over the months since I started running that there are some parallels with grief. Although there is no finish line or final destination with grief it is still about putting one foot in front of the other; taking one more step forward when the pain sets in and not giving up when the climate suddenly changes.

Grief is in no way nice. It may be part of life, but it’s a horrible part. For me though, it’s turned out to be a powerful motivator. By reframing my grief and channelling the pain I have been able to raise money for good causes in my Dad’s name, improve my fitness and deal with the stresses of family life and work. Also, still feeling so connected to my Dad spurs me on to be the best version of myself, the person he knew I could be.

So tomorrow is the last day of May and my last 10k run is going to be quite emotional I think. I will be running with Sarah and her wonderful Green Army and I know my Dad will be with me when I am running it also. I am also sure he will be there to join me for my pint of Guinness at the finish too.

If anyone would like to sponsor me for this challenge in aid of Wakefield Hospice here is the link – https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/10kadim19?fbclid=IwAR3bcakxsF46tm5otNOCjQDAItKL3imlUh1-olAwTYBiSU9y4xQsKnja-eI

Estelle Penrose

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How to address concerns about a colleague’s mental health

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